Reproducibility of Germanische Heilkunde

Laws of nature do not need statistics. Those who use statistics are not scientists!

The Reproducibility of Germanische Heilkunde®

It is very straightforward to verify and reproduce patient cases according to the biological laws of GHK.
The DHS initiates an SBS that strikes on all three levels, psyche, brain, and organs synchronously. There are 2 phases of illness, namely, the conflict-active phase, and if the conflict is resolved, then the healing phase. In addition, before the sympathicotonia of the conflict-active phase, there is a normality phase, and at the end of the vagotonia of the conflict-resolved healing phase, there is a phase of renormalization.

So, we have not only 4 phase sections on three levels each and three distinctive points, the DHS, Conflictolysis, and epileptic crisis on each of the three levels. Thus, 21 criteria (4×3 + 3×3) can be interrogated individually, according to the 5 biological laws.

The 5 biological laws together contain at least six criteria, including the histological criteria, the cerebral topographical, organ topographical, conflict coloration, and microbial criteria. If one can examine all three levels closely, for a single case one has 126 (21×6) verifiable and reproducible facts. That only one single case would show these 126 reproducible facts by chance are astronomically improbable. Because it is always the next best out of millions of possible cases.

If the patient has two diseases, which run parallel or successively, then the reproducible facts add up to 252 (2×126). The probability, however, increases to almost astronomical probability values!

As a fundamental criterion, it is included in the calculation that the Hamer Focus (HH) localization in the brain is predestined. This means that the relay – one of several hundred possible relays – is already determined in advance. In the case of Hamer Focus (HH), this relay must have the exact formation which belongs to the corresponding phase. The probability for only one case is astronomically high. However, most patients have several cancers or paralysis, diabetes, or the like. For every single disease again, all criteria must be fulfilled …!

Copyright Dr. Hamer
Translated: John Holledauer

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