Sinusitis solved simply, German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

This is how I managed to cure my Sinusitis, thanks to German New Medicine. My Testimonial

In 2013, when I was visiting my best friend in Freiburg, I suffered a severe sinus infection (conflict resolved = beginning of the healing phase). Right the following day, when I woke up. At that time, I must have been 16 years old.

As a result, I spent the first week with severe symptoms, and when I returned home (Bavaria), I immediately went to the doctor. He recommended that I first take antibiotics for one week, which I then did (sympathicotone-acting drug, healing phase was thereby delayed by one week).

When it still did not get better, we went to the ENT doctor with my mother. She told me that I needed an acupuncture injection into the side of my nasal cavity every two weeks. The co-payment was €17.50 per injection.

When I came home again to think about everything, I thought, “It really can’t be that now.”

Then I remembered the five biological laws of nature video I once saw on YouTube and researched online.

Then everything became clear to me!

I read in an online encyclopedia that in the case of sinusitis, an “I can’t smell that, that doesn’t suit me and/or physical attack” is the cause of the conflict and that the current symptoms suggest that I am actually already in the natural healing phase and the conflict is resolved.

And indeed, that is how it was.

On carnival night, there was a fire department carnival ball that I went to with my friends. There I danced probably with the wrong girl (the ex-girlfriend of a guy who didn’t like me at all), and towards the end of the ball, his three cousins/acquaintances pushed me into the dressing room, one pushed me into the clothes rack so that we both fell, and then he hit me.

I was in shock and just blocked it. They then stopped and left. (I told my friend and called the police. In the end, there was a court case, and I received compensation for his pain and suffering. But that was all much later, after the sinusitis).

So, this shock was the trigger for the active phase, which lasted about two weeks. In my head, everything revolved around (psyche) martial arts to practice and train so that something like this does not happen to me again. I had little appetite and cold hands, so the typical conflict-active phenomena. The solution to the conflict was to visit my best friend and his family. They were like a second family to me, in Freiburg, far away from the “xenophobic Bavaria in the Upper Palatinate” (my parents are from Russia and my best friend is American).

There I felt safe and secure. (No Bavarian can attack me.) Conflict resolved, and I had a sinus infection the very next day.

Now that I was aware of all this and considering that I had been on antibiotics for one week, I calculated that the symptoms should subside on their own in about a week to 10 days.

And that’s precisely what happened! The sinusitis went away on its own!

I can’t imagine what would have happened if I continued taking antibiotics or even these ENT acupuncture injections.

Due to their sympathicotonic (i.e., “stimulating”) effect, I would have slipped into the active phase of the conflict again and again instead of staying in the vagotonic healing phase and letting my body cure itself. This would have probably led to chronic and persistent sinusitis and dependence on doctors and pharmaceuticals, with no real hope of lasting improvement.

This makes me wonder who the real charlatans are (knowingly or unknowingly).

People can say what they want about Germanische Heilkunde, also known as the five biological laws of nature. For me, it’s the Real Deal; the result matters to me at the end of the day.

And if the five biological laws of nature deliver better results in my life, then I don’t care what society and media say.

There have been paradigm shifts in medicine many times in the past, and I am happy and grateful to be part of the next paradigm shift.

To Summarize:

1. assign symptoms and “diagnose” what is.
2. identify the cause of conflict
3. if already in the healing phase, let it heal and avoid tracks
4. if still inactive phase, solve the conflict as real as possible
5. not completely exclude conventional medicine, but use it wisely for oneself

In this sense, I hope that the testimonial will help one or the other, just as some testimonies here have helped me.

LG and all the best
Robert W.

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