Psychoses/Constellations 7 in 1 Seminar



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)

the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.


Bundle Psychoses (7 pcs Seminar Tutoral)

  1. Consecutio – the order of the conflict impacts
  2. Hormonal Status
  3. Maturation Stop + Body Shape
  4. Orgasm and Rank Order
  5. Constellations in the erritorial area (1)
  6. Constellations in the territorial area (2)
  7. Constellations Outside the Territorial Area

This information is for advanced GHK students only because it is complex. If you do not have a firm foundation in the 5 biological laws, psychoses will be difficult to understand.

For this reason, we offer the psychoses only as an all-in-one seminar with a reduced bundle price.
Each of the seven bundles consists of a VOD, e-book, + mp3 audio.

Important: Please view these seminars in order. Each one builds on the previous one so for optimal learning and understanding, please start with the first one and progress from there.


„Consecutio – The Order of Conflict Impacts in the Territorial Areas

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


This seminar video is about the sequence of conflict impacts in the territorial area of the cerebral cortex. In the territorial area, handedness and hormonal position are very important, but not on the partner or mother/child side.

The handedness is determined at the first cell division of the fertilized egg and cannot change. The hormone status, on the other hand, can change.

Due to a territorial conflict, the right-handed girl becomes male, whereas the right-handed boy becomes female.

Also, there is the so-called ” Knight-Hop” in the left-handers.

The objective: is to learn to understand why one girl gets her menarche at the age of 9 and the other not until the age of 14.

Why does a woman not get pregnant? What is the cause of manic/depressive,


ADD, ADHD, developmental retardation, behavioral disorder … Keywords: ADHD, ADD, amenorrhea, depression, cerebral cortex, handedness, hormonal position, conflict load, constellation, male, mania, manic/depressive, menarche, PAP, period pain, psychosis, maturation arrest, knight-hop, tracks, infertility, scales, female

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 1:20 hours


„Hormonal Status

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


Description Before the therapist searches for the cause (DHS) in the patient, he routinely clarifies three things!

– he shakes hands with the patient – and thus already has the first diagnosis (cold or warm hands of the patient) – the biological handedness (clapping test)

– determination of the partner and mother/child side

– the hormonal status – is the patient male or female?

At the moment of conflict, associations are made, making a significant difference whether the patient feels female or male!

The objective: is to learn to understand that hormonal status is not something fixed, and it can change by menopause, the pill, pregnancy …

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 50 min.


Maturation Stop + Body Shape“

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


The 1st conflict in the territorial area makes the right-handed female, a tomboyish girl with straight shoulders. On the other hand, the right-handed boy becomes feminine with sloping shoulders.

With the onset of the 2nd conflict in the territorial area, emotional maturity stops, but not intellectual maturity. One remains “childish”, looks younger (babyface) and is also manic/depressive (ADHD, ADD).

The body shape of the person already reveals a lot!

This chapter is going in the direction of “interanimal language”. Cross-species one can recognize the alpha on the basis of the figure.

The objective: is to understand why a 10 year old still behaves like a 6 year old and what can be done. To be able to assess the other person by their physique better.

Keywords: Babyface, pelvic shape male, pelvic shape female, down syndrome, handedness, conflict load, constellation, manic/depressive, Mein Studentenmädchen, maturation emotional, maturation intellectual, maturation stop, shoulder shape male, shoulder shape female, pregnancy, compound interest Target audience Graduate basics

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 45 min.


Orgasm and Rank Order“

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


Objectively and discreetly, it is explained how the orgasm works, what prevents it, and why the libido can dry up in women or men.

In addition, topics such as homosexuality, frigidity, transsexuality, Oedipus, Electra … are covered.

Through territory conflicts, nature realizes the natural hierarchy, which is understood across species. This chapter also explains the supersense of the different territorial area constellations and how to solve them possibly. Here there is something like a “patent solution”!

The objective: is to understand oneself better, one’s partner, homosexuality, etc., in and for itself. Why did nature set up the different territorial constellations?

Topics Alpha wolf, beta wolf, bisexuality, depression, Electra, firstborn, frigidity, uterine sphincter, birth, sexual maturity, handedness, heart attack, homosexuality, hormonal position, impotence, clitoris, constellation, crisis, libido, pulmonary embolism, male, mania, Oedipus, orgasm, orgasm anal, orgasm clitoral, orgasm penal, orgasm vaginal, parasympathetic nervous system, penis, phylogenesis, ranking, territoriality, knight-hop, pregnancy, sympathetic nervous system, transsexuality, Viagra, menopause, contractions, female, puppy protection

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 1:30 hours


Constellations in the Territorial Area Part 1“

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


Germanische Heilkunde of Dr. Hamer explains how our body works and explains why we think, act, and feel the way we do …

The combination of two Sensible-Biological-Special Programs results in a Biological Supersense! This topic points in the direction of character explanation.

The different constellations Flyer, Postmortem, Casanova, Nympho, Choleric, Mythomaniac, Autist … are explained by case studies.

The objective: is to understand why people are the way they are and what can be done.

Topics: ADHD, ADD, Amenorrhea, Bladder-Mucosa, Bridge-Jumpers, Choleric, Coronary-Arteries, Coronary-Veins, Depression, Esotericism, Uterus-Mucosa, Cerebral Cortex, Brooding-Compulsion, Goth, Ureter, Urethra, Homosexuality, Laryngeal-Mucosa, Constellation, Constellation-Autism, Constellation-Bioaggressive, Constellation-Casanova, Constellation -Mythomaniac, Constellation-Nympho, Constellation-Postmortem, Constellation-Flyer, Liver Bile Ducts, Male, Gastric-Ulcer, Mania, Manic/Depressive, Mein Studentenmaedchen, Near Death Experience, Nirvana, Pancreatitis, Menstrual Pain, Psychosis, Maturity-Emotional, Maturity-Intellectual, Maturity-Stop, Rectal-Mucosa, Territorial-Area, Knight-Hop, Reputation-Killer, Tracks, Suicide, Spiritual, Therapist, Dreams of Falling, Dreams of Flying, Scale, Workoholic, Civilization Scrap Society,

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 1:27 hours




Constellations in the Territorial Area – Part 2“

Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation by John Holledauer


The Germanische Heilkunde by Dr. Hamer explains how our body works and explains why we think, act, and feel as we do. The combination of two Sensible Biological Special-programs results in a biological supersense!

This topic points in the direction of character explanation. Case studies explain the different constellations of asthma, stuttering, hearing voices, bulimia, lesbian, anorexia, washing compulsion

The various constellations; Case studies explain Flyer, Postmortem, Casanova, Nympho, Choleric, Mythomaniac, Autist ….

The objective: is to understand why people are the way they are and what can be done.

Topics: ADHD, ADD, allergy, asthma, bronchial musculature, depression, diabetes type 1, laryngeal musculature, constellation – asthma, constellation – bulimia, constellation – lesbianism, constellation – anorexia, constellation – hearing voices, constellation – stuttering, constellation – washing compulsion, liver bile duct, male, stomach ulcer, mania, manic/depressive, medially gifted, Mein Studentenmädchen, pancreatitis, period pain, psychosis, maturity emotional, maturity intellectual, maturity stop, territorial areas, scale, civilization scrap society

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 1:20 hours



Constellations Outside the Territorial Areas“

Source: Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Germanische Heilkunde

Translation to english: Johann Holledauer


Dr. Hamer’s Germanische Heilkunde not only explains how our body works but also indicates why we think, act, and feel the way we do. The combination of two sensible biological special programs furthermore results in a biological supersense. This theme points in the direction of character explanation. The various constellations like; panic attacks, megalomania, paranoia, disorientation, waking coma … are explained by case studies.

The objective is to understand why people are the way they are, and what we can do under certain circumstances.


Breast, Book Breast-Cancer, Ovary, Loss of Function, Cerebral-Cortex, Vitreous-Body, Glaucoma, Glaucoma, Testis, Cold-Node, Branchial-Arches, Cerebellum, Bone, Constellation, Constellation-Asocial, Constellation-Disorientation, Constellation-Frontal, Constellation-Fronto-Occipital, Constellation-Megalomania, Constellation-Consternation, Constellation-Motor, Constellation-Paranoia, Constellation-Sensory, Constellation-Sexual Superiority, Constellation-Vegetative-State, Cerebral-Medulla, Mein Studentenmaedchen, Motor Paralysis, Retinal-Detachment, Kidney-Collector-Tubes, Outgoing-Thyroid-Ducts, Sensory-Paralysis, Brainstem, Paranoia, Waking-Coma

Audience: Graduate Basics

Duration: 1 hour


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