Biological Handedness

Basics bundle biological-handedness



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)

the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.
Description, Biological handedness

Knowing biological handedness is at least as important as knowing one’s sex. It can be determined with the help of the so-called clapping test! The biological handedness indicates the partner and mother/child side and can never change in life.

The objective

The learning goal is to be able to understand
– why the affected person always has the symptoms on one side of the body and not on the other.
– What determines biological handedness?
– What distinguishes left-handed from right-handed people?
– How can you still find out the biological handedness if the clapping test fails?
– What about the footness or eyeness?
– What influence do hormones have on biological handedness?
Learn more about this in the one-and-a-half-hour educational video.


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Target audience



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