with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)
the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.
Description; 2nd & 3rd Biological Law of Nature
The 2nd Biological Law of Nature – the Law of the Two-Phase of all Sensible Biological Special-Programs (SBS), provided conflict resolution occurs. What if we cannot resolve the conflict? How do we resolve conflicts? This 2nd Biological Law of Nature is considered “generally accepted”! 3rd Biological Law of Nature – The ontogenetically conditioned system of the Sensible Biological Special Programs (SBS). Which programs make cell proliferation, cell loss, or functional failure? Gullet-Mucous-Pattern + Outer-Skin-Pattern. This 3rd Biological Law of Nature is about to be “generally accepted.”
The objective
The objective is to recognize that we can remain controlling our own personal affairs as long as the conflict (DHS), i.e., the cause, is known. Often only common sense is needed. And to recognize that all special programs are not “degenerative” but run according to natural laws of nature.
2. Biological Law of Nature, 3. Biological Law of Nature, ADHD, ADS, Outer-Skin-Patter, Desensitization, ENDODERM, ECTODERM, Developmental History, Flu, Hamer’s Compass, Heart Attack, Children, Bone, Conflict Pattern – unicyclic, Conflict Pattern – hanging active, Conflict Pattern – down-transformed, Constellation, Cancer Experts, Manic/Depressive, MESODERM, Ontogenesis, Phylogenesis, Tracks, Gullet-Mucosal-Pattern, Animal, Compulsive Thinking, etc.
Target audience
1:30 hour / 96 pages
Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file