Healing phase in Germanische Heilkunde

Healing phase in Germanische Heilkunde


The healing phase begins with the resolution of the conflict (conflictolysis).

If the patient has resolved his conflict, i.e., if he has questioned and looked behind the event(s) in such a way that they can no longer burden him, he has let go of them and now begins the path of getting back into harmony with his biological plan. This conflict resolution manifests itself on all three levels and is visible or representable. After the resolution, the healing phase is the most desirable for an “offended” person, but it is also connected with symptoms, which we then regard as illness.

Flu with bronchitis, cold, and fever naturally knocks you down. We lie “sick” in bed – thank God, it’s done; now we need rest, among other things, to rebuild the energy we used up in the conflict-active phase. Especially after the crisis, a good appetite reappears, and the lost weight is regained.

The duration and strength of the recovery phase depend, to repeat, on the conflict load we had built up during the stress period. The patient must be prepared for this phase and possible symptoms by his therapist in an empathetic way because, as a healing disease. There are not only flu and cold. Many cancer events become noticeable in this phase and must be understood by the patient as something positive in nature. Cancer of the cerebrum-controlled organs is something like a certificate of confirmation of ego-discovery, i.e., “I have finally managed to get rid of my conflict, my shackles.” There may be very critical moments in the epileptoid crisis in a few conflict resolutions, but to detail them is beyond the scope of an introduction. A sensitive and experienced Germanische Heilkunde® will prepare his patient in the appropriate case and know how to treat him medically in the right way.

Symptoms that affect the whole organism

The brain switches the autonomic nervous system to parasympathicotonia, also called vagotonia. The entire organism goes into a resting position so that all available forces can be used to make up for the consequences of the stress and to bring the system back into shape.

Symptoms at the level of the psyche

The patient feels incredibly well, as hardly ever before. He no longer thinks about his conflict and has no dreams about it. He is no longer stressed.

Symptoms in the brain

When the shooting target configuration was seen before, one notices how the rings gradually become edematous (stored water).

The actual nerve cells, which only make up about 10% of the brain’s total volume, are again surrounded by so-called glial cells, brain connective tissue, so they can better perform their former function. It is a kind of isolation.

The same thing happens when a skin wound heals: it swells and eventually heals with scarring.

The edematization causes the affected area of the brain to swell. Its final size depends on the severity, the duration of the conflict, and the conflict load.

These edemas are brain tumors for conventional doctors, which must be operated on as soon as possible. This is especially the case if they are already scarred because they are particularly conspicuous in the CCT. Still, in reality, they are hardly perceived by the patient as symptoms.

Symptoms at the level of the organ, tissue, and cells

Simultaneously with the development of edema in the brain, the tissue of the organ also changes. During the conflict-active phase, the change again depends on which germ layers the organ belongs to.

In the case of organs of the inner germ layer controlled by the brainstem (digestive organs, genital organs), the tumor formed during the conflict phase is again tuberculated, with microbes’ help case, fungi, and fungal bacteria.

IMPORTANT: The fungi, like later the bacteria and viruses (if they exist!), are active only during the healing phase. Before and after this phase, they become apathogenic again, i.e., harmless! They are controlled by a higher level and are not left to themselves.

In the case of the middle germ layer organs controlled by the cerebellum (skin, breast, pericardium, pleura, peritoneum), the compact tumors formed in the conflict phase are either encapsulated and then remain harmless for life. Or if bacteria or mycobacteria (fungal bacteria) are present – in the case of the breast, they are mycobacteria – the tumor undergoes tuberculous caseation. What remains is a small cavity.

In every tuberculous healing phase, the body loses protein. This protein loss must be compensated for by appropriate protein-rich food. These patients also have a good appetite!

Attention: “Fasting to starve cancer” is life-threatening in tuberculous healing and, therefore, nonsense! Every mother is happy when her sick child eats!

In the healing process, the tumor stores some water, and the patient feels pain in the final healing phase.

In the case of organs of the middle germ layer controlled by the cerebral-medulla (connective tissue, bones, cartilage, lymph nodes, lymph vessels, blood vessels, muscles, spleen), the necroses, cell killings, holes created in the conflict phase are filled up again by bacteria, mostly staphylococci. As is generally known in medicine, this happens with an excess (scars).

Biological sense: the threatened area is restored and even strengthened to withstand a new attack better. E.g., bone sarcoma = stronger bone, kidney cyst produces more urine. Ovarian cyst produces more estrogen (woman looks up to 10 years younger), testicular cyst produces more testosterone, etc.

A particular case here is leukemia, which is not an independent disease, but the concomitant of bone cancer’s healing phase. In principle, it is a good sign if we interpret it correctly and treat it appropriately.

In the case of organs of the outer germ layer controlled by the cerebral cortex (epidermis, bronchi, coronary arteries and veins, sensory organs, genitals, etc.), the ulcers (ulcers) formed during the conflict phase are replenished with intense swelling. The body’s favorite collaborators in this reconstruction work are the viruses (if they exist!). If they are present in the body, they contribute to the acceleration of healing. Still, they are not necessary. It is just less stormy.

If the affected organs are tubular organs, such as bronchi, coronary veins, or arteries, the swelling may cause temporary blockages.

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