Sudden Hearing Loss – Germanic New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Sudden hearing loss because of the children at the playground. I don’t believe what I had to hear.

Hello, I need to tell you about an incident that happened to me today. A clear case if one has understood Germanische Heilkunde.

Today we went with our two boys to an adventure park. While the big one was off in a climbing park, we put the little one in a vast bouncy castles area where lots of children jump around like rubber balls and have fun on steep slides. So did our little one, who will soon be five.

When we first gave him to the kindergarten a year ago, there was initially a problem with him hitting other children when something didn’t suit him. But the childcare staff are very experienced and attentive and got him to stop within a few days. Since then, there have been no problems in kindergarten.

But today in the bouncy castle it happened again. Several boys, all the same age, suddenly started hitting each other, and ours was right in the middle of it. We didn’t see how it happened or who started it, but he won’t put up with anything. We and other parents warned the boys to stop, as we watched them the situation remained reasonably peaceful. When we got him out of there and walked away, suddenly a father stood in front of us with his daughter, claiming that our son had pulled his daughter’s hair.

Damn! It’s to be believed that he makes no distinction between girls and boys when there’s trouble. He immediately defended himself with: “but she did …” so yes, he did pull her hair and he categorically refused to apologize to her.
We then just left the situation as it was and went our ways in a rather poor mood.

About half an hour later, we were sitting in a restaurant, ordering something to eat when I felt pressure in both ears and my hearing suddenly became very muffled, as if I was wearing hearing protection.
Of course I knew immediately what it was. When the other father confronted us with what our son was doing, I had a DHS and couldn’t believe my ears. „I can’t believe what I’m hearing!“
There must have been some tinnitus during the active phase, but I didn’t notice it, probably because I was very distracted with the anger about our son. As soon as I had regained my compulsion and got out of my obsessive thinking, I solved the DHS and came into the healing phase. The hearing loss is the expected symptom here. Not too bad, the conflict wasn’t active for very long, and about half an hour later the pressure in my ears was gone and I was able to hear normally again.
Nothing spectacular, I know, but if one is not yet sure and still needs proof that the GHK is actually always right, such minor experiences in one’s own body are enough to provide this certainty.
As Helmut Pilhar used to say: “It’s easy to fall away from faith, but if you know, then you are superior to any doctor. Because the doctors have no idea about the cause.”
Thank you very much for your valuable work!

Comment GHK Academy

Thank you very much for your story. Yes, indeed, such minor symptoms, which each of us has occasionally, prove that Dr. Hamer’s discovery that biological laws of nature always work exactly as Dr. Hamer has written them down for us.

Two hearing conflicts, partner and mother/child side. One with the girl’s father and one with your son. In the active phase, the other father’s voice rings in your ears (tinnitus). You don’t have to notice this, especially if you are in a noisy place and your mind is focused on how to better raise your child, or at least stop him from hitting other children. Presumably all parents can easily empathize with how one feels about such a confrontation. (DHS)

As soon as the DHS is resolved and you get into the healing phase, the tinnitus, in this case the other father’s voice, also disappears from your head. The ears build up pressure, as with a change in atmospheric pressure, and you only hear very muffled sounds.
To be precise, the frequencies that were intensified during the tinnitus are blocked out, i.e. the frequencies of the other father’s voice.
Here too, the hearing loss usually lasts no longer than the DHS was previously active.
Well observed, thank you very much.

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