Squinting in One Eye and Bronchial Dry Cough in a Little Boy because of a Children’s Theater.
Hello, I have a testimonial concerning my three-and-a-half-year-old right-handed son. We took him to a children’s New Year theater evening, where the children could actively participate.
Baba Jaga is a traditional Russian fairy tale, that every Russian child knows, and is about a lonely witch who lives in the forest. The actress was dressed up exactly as you would imagine a forest witch to be.
The children sat on mats in the front row, with the mothers just a few meters behind them. For our son, it was the first time he had taken part in an event like this with lots of children, and initially, it was great fun. But when he saw this witch, he became restless, and after a minute, he turned around crying and seeking his protective mother.
Whenever Baba Jaga was around, he sought protection from his mother, and when she wasn’t on stage, he jumped and danced happily with the other children.
Towards the end of the evening, photos were taken with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, and there were no problems, although he was a little reserved with these likable but strangely dressed adults. However, he would not stand for a photo with this Baba Jaga, he didn’t trust this witch at all, and he refused even to get anywhere near her.
When we got back into the car to drive home, he had a bronchial dry cough. As a right-handed boy, he had suffered a territorial fear conflict, which he had already resolved by the time we got into the car. The bronchial dry cough lasted for the whole journey home and persisted into the following day. Even on the third day, he still had occasional coughing fits.
All of a sudden, the boy was squinting in one eye.

All of a sudden, my son was squinting in one eye. We hadn’t even noticed it at the event, but when we sent some photos to the grandparents, we noticed in one of the pictures that his right eye (partner side) was squinting inwards. When we discovered this squinting, I, of course, checked immediately, but his eyes had returned to their normal synchronous position.
So, in addition to the territorial fear conflict with the bronchi, he had also suffered a DHS with the eye muscles. He wanted to turn his eyes away from this Baba Jaguar; he did not want to see this witch. This DHS had paralyzed the related eye muscle during the conflict-active phase, which caused the eye to migrate inwards. Only after this witch was gone from his field of vision, presumably by the time we got in the car, did he resolve this DHS, and his eye muscles moved back into a synchronous position.
This short testimonial will help many people interested in GHK to understand Doctor Hamer’s legacy better because you don’t have to believe Doctor Hamer’s Germanische Heilkunde. Anyone who has understood GHK can experience and verify the five biological laws of nature for themselves, repeatedly, on their own body, or even on their children.
Note by GHK Academy
Very true, Dr. Hamer has discovered and written down for us five simple laws of nature so that anyone who wants to, can learn and understand them.
One does not have to believe in laws of nature, one does not have to believe in Dr. Hamer and his Germanische Heilkunde, everyone can experience it for themselves. Whether the child is suddenly squinting in one eye, has a bronchial dry cough, or suddenly has any other symptom.
As it is the case with this example, the parents are often present when their children have conflicts, and since the body reacts immediately, the happenings are still fresh in their memory.
Anyone who understands Germanische Heilkunde can verify it through their own experience, as in this example. Then one doesn’t care what doctors or experts say, one knows better oneself.
This is the only way to free ourselves from the fear in which the system wants to keep us trapped. The system has a good reason to keep us in a state of fear because we cannot be governed if we are not in fear.
Learn Germanische Heilkunde for yourself and your children because only the truth will set us free.