
SBS bundle periosteum



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)

the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.

Description: Periosteum

This seminar video is about the Sensible Biological Special Program of the periosteum. The task of this SBS is in the active phase as impaired short-term memory.

The symptoms of the active phase, the conflict-resolved phase, the crisis, and the residual state at the end of the healing phase will be explained. Several case examples will be used to make the associated conflict content “brutal separation” understandable.

The objective

The objective is to be able to correctly interpret symptoms such as rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, Raynaud’s syndrome, and cold feet ….


Absence, Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia, frigidity, impotence, neuritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, rheumatism, etc.

You will learn more about this in the approximately one-hour seminar video.


Graduate basics


Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file


25 min / 44 pages


Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file


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