with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)
the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.
Description: Ovary & Testis
This Seminar-Video-Tutorial is about the Sensible Biological Special Programs of the Ovary and Testis. The task of these SBSe is at the end of the healing phase. It is to make up for the loss of a beloved individual through a new conception or pregnancy.
The symptoms of the active phase, the conflict-resolved phase, the crisis, and the residual state at the end of the healing phase are explained. Several case examples are used to make the various associated conflict contents comprehensible, such as loss through death or departure, etc.
The objective
The objective is to be able to correctly interpret symptoms such as testicular cancer, undescended testis, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, amenorrhea, inability to conceive, etc.
Amenorrhea, ovary, ovarian necrosis, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, testis, undescended testis, testicular necrosis, testicular cyst, hormonal status, castration, estrogen, teratoma, testosterone, infertility, water testis
Target audience
Graduate basics
45 min / 78 pages
Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file