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4th & 5th Biological Law of Nature – GHK Seminar Tutorial

Basic bundle 4-5-biological-law-of-nature



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)

the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.

Description; 4th & 5th Biological Law of Nature

The 4th Biological Law of Nature: – The ontogenetically determined system of microbes. The topics discussed are Vaccination, immune system, contagion, and epidemic – which, from the perspective of Germanische Heilkunde turns out to be superstition! The 5th Biological Law of Nature – The law of understanding every so-called “disease” as part of a developmentally understandable Sensible Biological Special Program (SBS) of nature.

The Quintessence! It heralds a paradigm shift in medicine! Where do we have to start therapeutically? At the symptom or the cause? In nature, “good/evil” does not exist! This division is religiously motivated. Nature always does only something sensible.

The objective

The objective is to learn to understand symptoms such as pulmonary tuberculosis, night sweats, body odor, flabby breasts, hypothyroidism, salivary fluid dehydration, cellulitis, scar colloid, lipomas …..
We can overcome the microbial phobia and the fear of โ€œcancerโ€ not by โ€œfaith,โ€ but by knowledge!


4th Biological Law of Nature, 5th Biological Law of Nature, Contagion, Antibiotics, Bacteria, Borelliosis, Vomiting diarrhea, Breast sagging, Cellulite, Chip, Ectoderm, Endoderm, Good/Evil, Cravings, Immune system, Vaccination, Infection, Cachexia, Lice, Mesoderm, Cystic fibrosis, Mycobacteria, Night sweats, Panic, Parasites, Parasympathetic gland, Pasteur Louis, Fungi, Hypothyroidism, Consumption, Salivary gland stone, Sympathetic gland, Therapy success GHK, Therapy success CM, Tuberculosis, Failure of saliva, Viruses, Chickenpox, Tetanus, Toothache, Ticks

Target audience



1:30 hour / 114 pages


Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file

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