Squamous Epithelium, Ectoderm, Red Group, Cerebral Cortex-controlled.
The outer-skin-pattern includes the squamous epithelium that has migrated from the outside up the rectum to the renal pelvis (see Embryonic Development). In the active phase, they are sensory numb, and in the healing phase, they hurt. If the active phase is numb, then the crisis is also sensory numb, i.e., without pain. In all squamous programs, the crisis is the absence.

Vitiligo right
August 2, 2022
Vitiligo of the skin (white patches disease), epithelial ulcer on the back of the epidermis containing the epithelial melanophore layer, thereby the white patches, right half of the body. Conflict: Brutal or ugly separation conflict from a loved or adored person Example: “Your father crashed