Helmut Pilhar

He was born on 25.02.1965 in Grünbach am Schneeberg and died on August 31th, 2022 in Paraguay.
1985 Abitur at the HTL Wr. Neustadt (electrical engineering). 1993 A-levels at the HTL Wr. Neustadt (mechanical engineering, evening school).
Until 1995 he was a software technician (SPS). In 1990 he married his wife Erika, with whom he had four  children. He had several grand-children.
He didn’t belong to any church, party, or club. And he had not chosen this medical dispute …

His objective was to make the Germanische Heilkunde a general education. Every mother needs to know how neurodermatitis works in her child.
Germanische Heilkunde belongs in biology classes and for future therapists at every university.
Therefore his motto: “Inform yourself as long as you are healthy!


Due to his daughter Olivia’s cancer, he came across Dr. Hamer through family members, who had been unknown to them until then. As a technician, he had never been involved with medicine before.

However, Dr. Hamer’s Germanische Heilkunde® seems to be more logical than the experimental experiments with poison gas derivates in conventional medicine. More than two decades, full of patient reports, have strengthened his conviction in this. Conventional medicine – apart from emergency medicine – is experimental!

Since 1995 he has been trying to spread the teachings of Germanische Heilkunde®. In recognition of his work, Dr. Hamer appointed him as “Lecturer for Germanic Medicine – Theory.” For official reasons, he was forbidden to carry this honorary title.

He has fulfill his teaching assignment to the best of his ability!

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