Febrile Seizure – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Febrile Seizure into a four-year-old boy

A mother writes…
Since I always enjoy reading testimonials, I would also like to share with you my experience with our four-year-old son.
One afternoon, when my son was four years old, he fell off the bench while playing. For me, it was a harmless fall, which I had seen out of the corner of my eye. But this fall scared our son because he cried out like he had hurt himself badly. Even my girlfriend (who lived above us) came running down to help. I comforted F. and massaged calendula ointment on his left thigh. This always helps. A short time later, he was playing again as if nothing had happened and everything seemed to be going well.

During the night, F. slept very restlessly. The next day, there was not even a bruise to be found; however, in the morning, I noticed that he was not well and was feverish. He was with me all morning and we spent most of the time on the sofa. The fever continued to rise, and he continued to sleep and vomited twice.

At one point, we were sitting on the sofa, and F. was on my lap when his left leg suddenly jerked violently. F. threw open his eyes, looked up to the left, and stopped moving his eyes. His whole body felt cramped, and he was vomiting. However, he was clenching his teeth tightly, his face was turning blue, and he wasn’t breathing. I tried to tear his teeth apart with my finger and speak to him. Despite all my knowledge about GNM and the healing crisis, I was very nervous, and I was also scared in those seconds because I had never experienced something like this. Our daughter, who is already six years old, was rarely sick.

At some point, his bite loosened again, and he vomited. He began breathing again, and everything went back to normal. I gave him some more cold calf wraps to cool him down a bit. The fever subsided by the evening, and the following day F. was still exhausted, but without a fever, and everything was back to normal on the second day.

I was thinking about what could have been the DHS for F, when the fever began. I had already thought about the fall, but I considered it to be so harmless that I couldn’t believe that it was possible. However, the injured and then massaged leg had twitched so much (according to my interpretation, this was the peak of the healing phase – epileptoid crisis – febrile seizure?) and the whole thing had passed so quickly.

I have been studying GNM for five years, and I am so happy to have this knowledge! Since I began studying, we no longer need doctors. Even my third pregnancy and my home birth took place completely without doctors and medical frills. Despite the fact that our three children are thriving without vaccinations, we never needed to go to doctors with them. We are really happy about this knowledge about the biological processes in the body and the associated freedom from fear.

Note by GHK Academy

After consultation, Dr. Hamer explained to me that the boy probably reacted with the transversely striated muscles in the stomach (small curvature, territorial anger) and the diaphragm (shortness of breath, I’m not puffing this) because of the crying.

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