
Basic bundle synchronicity



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)

the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.

Description, Synchronicity

Based on several Sensible Biological Special Programs (SBSe), the Hamer’s Compass is discussed synchronously on the three levels PSYCHE – BRAIN – ORGAN – the conflict, the active phase, the solution, the healing, the crisis, and the end of the healing phase.
The individuum (inseparable) is an indivisible unity between the psyche and organ level. There is no organ disease without a correlation in the psyche and vice versa. A medicine that does not consider this inseparability is piecemeal, unscientific, and belongs to the past.
We, in Germanische Heilkunde, have a third level – the level of the brain (Hamers Focus). The Biological Conflict Shock (DHS, the Cause) immediately sets the Hamer Focus in the brain! It can be photographed immediately. On the other hand, until the organ symptom is noticed, it may well take some time.
If we know one of the three levels, one knows the other two. Several case studies shall illustrate this.

The objective

The brain level is closed to us, medical laymen. Who can read a brain Ct? But nobody knows our organ level and our psyche better than we do – and they always run synchronously. The objective is to learn to “interpret” the organ level. No pimple without a corresponding defilement conflict! And the pimple is already the healing phase!


1st Biological law of nature, 2nd Biological law of nature. Biological law of nature, loss of appetite, bacteria, connective tissue, breast intraductal mamma-ca, breast mamma-ca, Burgau, computed tomography, DHS, diabetes type 1, glandular-like tissue, glandular tissue, sleep disorder, sleep disorder, ectoderm, endoderm, loss of function, cerebral cortex, good/evil, Hamers’ Focus, Hamers’ Compass, heart attack, brain tumor, homeopathy, cerebellum, bone, crisis, pulmonary focus, pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph nodes, cerebral medulla, mesoderm, mycobacteria, nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, Pasteur Louis, fungi, squamous epithelium, brain stem, Stangl Willibald, sympathetic nervous system, death, dreams, tuberculosis, viruses, scientific fraud, obsessive thinking.

Target audience



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