Animal Diseases Part 1

Product bundle Animal Diseases part 1



with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father)
the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD.


This seminar video, Animal Diseases Part 1, is about the old-brain controlled Sensible Biological Special Programs (glandular tissue + glandular-like tissue) in animals.
The fact that the Germanische Heilkunde is also valid for the animal (and plant) makes it particularly credible.
How could it be otherwise? Animals have partly the same organs as humans. The symptoms of the active phase, the conflict-resolved phase, the crisis, and the residual state at the end of the healing phase are explained.
Based on several case examples, the different animal-typical associated conflict contents, like “morsel,” “attack,” “worry/dispute,” etc., are made understandable.


The objective is to correctly interpret symptoms such as Iris-Ca, diarrhea, intestinal colic, stomach-Ca, water retention, skin tuberculosis, mammary-Ca ….


eye, breast, breast decay, breast cavern, breast mammary ca, intestinal colic, small intestine, diarrhea, skin, iris ca, body odor, dermis, gastric ca, melanoma, Crohn’s disease, halitosis, renal collecting tubes, renal failure, syndrome, animal, animal testing, water retention

Target audience

Graduate basics


43min / 96 pages


Video on Demand (VOD) + downloadable MP3-file + downloadable PDF-file

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