Polio – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Polio since a vacation on the farm. I froze at the sight of so much blood when a pig was slaughtered.

Since about 1965, I was sensitized by my mother’s illness, who at that time, according to the doctor, suffered from a chronic ethmoid cell inflammation, for which she was also operated on. And in “a consequence,” she got asthma because the persistent inflammatory secretion settled in the bronchial tubes. In search of alternative healing methods because I could not imagine that in nature, everything regenerates by itself; only people need a massive intervention by doctors with drugs with considerable side effects.

My mother lived 28 years with cortisone injections, while she might have died earlier from an asthma attack. But then the kidneys and pancreas were also broken. She suffered several times from bleeding duodenal ulcers, intestinal fistula, renal pelvic inflammation, etc. (Probably not only the cortisone was to blame for all this, but also subsequent conflicts).

In any case, I was a seeker, yet it was to be another 45 years before I came across Hamer. I read about your story with “Olivia” in all kinds of newspapers, but it was such a hick-hack that I lost the desire to read, and I did not know anyone who knew Dr. Hamer.

But now about polio

When I was four years old (1952), I contracted polio and was sent to our town’s children’s hospital. I could no longer move my right arm and left leg. I could move my arm with my left hand, but I could no longer walk. The professor immediately recognized that it was a virus that spinal cord punctures could catch with luck. When my mother asked where I could have gotten it, he replied the following: “I don’t want to say that they kept their child too clean, but the children who grow up in the gutter don’t get such things.” (!)

My hospital stay lasted for six weeks with three spinal cord punctures. What that means for a four-year-old child does not need to be explained. Also, I was not allowed to see my parents during this time because I always cried so terribly at the beginning during the goodbyes. My parents were only allowed to see me through a mirrored window. Once I saw my parents and cried and shouted that they were there, but my sister talked me out of it, saying that I had made a mistake.

But at the end of the six weeks, I was doing so well that I got physiotherapy and learned to walk again, so I was allowed to go home again. However, I can be seen later on in all school pictures with bandaged knees because my leg often failed me while running, while my right arm is still weaker than my left one today.

I had assumed all my life that I only do more things on the left because of my polio and the weaker right arm. But I am probably left-handed by nature.

Before my illness, we were on vacation in the Black Forest and stayed in a guesthouse with a butcher’s shop, as is the way with children, as long as the parents are talking. They run around and explore the premises, and as a little sweetheart, you soon conquered the hearts of the innkeepers. However, one day my parents probably told me to keep an eye on the little girl because they would slaughter a pig that day.

Not knowing anything about it, I slipped into the kitchen in an unobserved moment. But there was no one there. So, I went up the three steps to a door leading to the courtyard and opened it: – SHOCK – I stood rooted to the spot, unable to move, and saw quantities of blood pouring into a bowl from the pig that had probably just been stabbed. Startled, the woman saw me, first putting the bowl of blood in the kitchen until she brought me back to my parents.

I remember I was sick as a dog.

I always saw these two stories as independent until I became more familiar with the GH. However, I remember my mother telling me that I got polio after that vacation.

So, I guess that was like “staying rooted to the spot,” my dead-center reflex, and as a result, polio. What’s left of the shock is that I have trouble seeing large amounts of blood. Whenever there was slaughter somewhere, I always gave it a wide berth.

Today I am happy that I was allowed to get to know the GHK. I knew from the introductory lecture that I had now reached the end of my quest. However, as someone who has already tried many things, I am smiled at by some with the argument, “now she has something new again.” But that does not bother me.

Kind regards,

Note by Helmut Pilhar

Thank you very much for this Testimonial!

He who laughs last laughs best! The first two laws of nature are generally recognized, and there are still actually sleeping sheep, which voluntarily run to the butcher, but declare us crazy …

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