Dr. Hamer to Dr. Stefan Lanka – Open Letter

Video Blogs of GHk International Academy

Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd HAMER

Open letter

Sept. 1, 2007

Dr. Stefan Lanka

Important note:

“Since the founder of the “New Medicine,” the German physician Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer, unfortunately, mixes his medical research results in public again and again with his personal destiny and his political views, I would like to point out expressly that I do not adopt these views! I ask you to judge all publications on the subject in this respect very differentiated.”

Hello Stefan,

So you now also belong to the chaff that has separated from the wheat.

Well, I take note of it and have thus only received confirmation for what I have long suspected: Because I have always wondered why you were allowed to call the judge in Rosenheim a baby fucker in the courtroom, for example, so scot-free and unpunished, without going to jail for one year for this, for insulting a judge.

I do not know who you are, whether you, like so many others, who had called themselves my friend so far, belong to a particular religious community? – or maybe you are just an undercover agent of this regime? But if someone like you, who wants to be a chief vaccination critic and at the same time leaves out the most important thing, namely “the chip implantation in the form of vaccination,” then something is wrong.

Besides; you are a Dr. of Virology, and you said: …. yes, there are no viruses, nobody has ever seen one of these supposedly so dangerous things, which could be 1/1000th to 1/10 000th of a bacterium…

Since then, you have been calling yourself a microbiologist. Strange!

You also said in the interview that there are no disease-causing viruses. Well, there are probably no health-giving ones either, although they could theoretically exist according to the Germanic. So there are probably none at all.

The 5-6 virologist-professors on every university are therefore swindling syndicates.

And that one wants to make a vaccination against a not existing virus, can be then also only swindle. There you are right!

But remember: I have criticized Lenz and you because of your bird flu interview violently. You and Lenz have admitted to me then also frankly that the so-called bird flu vaccination is no vaccination with serum at all, but chip implantation, that you would know exactly. But you and your comrades-in-arms (Lenz, Barro, Pfister, Fisslinger, Hirneise, and Krafeld) have never spoken or published a single word about it.

It is also not the few corrupt so-called virologists who make the fraud, but the whole state of the so-called BRD is behind it.

This state, which de jure no longer exists at all. By the way, any lawyer on the next street corner can confirm this.

To deny such a fact is extremely “strange.”

This state is it also, which let’s die daily the 1500 cancer patients (alone only in Germany). Why have you never said a word about the poor victims and their “murderers”?

Even if you insult me now and others as BRD deniers, then you must let ask yourself whether you are so infinitely simple-minded or so infinitely foreign-controlled? But I already said then that I consider you and your environment to be a sham opposition.

In any case, the honest people who want to have a constitutional state in our country again – to which I also belong, as you know – have nothing whatsoever to do with the Schickelgruber dictatorship. (Translator’s note: Schickelgruger is the birth name of Hitler.)

These honest people who dream of a constitutional state in which millions of people are not killed with chemo etc., they want this peacefully and legally through a free election of all Germans, as prescribed by the Constitutional Court.

This is also why my medicine is called “Germanic New Medicine” because Germania has always been the land of freedom. The “Germanic” is the medicine of freedom in a country and people in which there are law and human dignity again and in which 1500 patients do not have to die every day for base motives.

In this sense



On July 17, 1990, during the Paris Conference, the Allies decreed the abolition of the “Constitution of the DDR” and the deletion of the preamble and Article 23 of the “Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.” With the territorial scope, the “Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany” as a whole lost its validity with effect from July 18, 1990.
(Federal Law Gazette 1990, Part II, page 885,890 of 23.09.1990).

Since the BRD constitutionally (established by a ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court) explicitly referred its sovereignty “to the area of application of the Basic Law,” the occupation law means “BRD” was also dissolved with the Basic Law.

Since this date – July 18, 1990 – the occupation-law provisional body called the “Federal Republic of Germany,” which for 41 years had to administer the affairs of part of the German people in trust for the Western Allies, no longer exists.

All legal transactions and administrative acts carried out by the government and the authorities of the defunct “Federal Republic of Germany” since its extinction shall, after that, be unlawful and invalid.

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