Conjunctivitis due to Bitch – German New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

Conjunctivitis because I lost sight of the dog as the girlfriend took her for three days

I want to send you my first testimonial because I am pleased about the conflict solution and healing. Gladly, you can pass it on if it fits.

All the best.

My girlfriend and I lovingly care for a female beagle. Since we do not share a household, the bitch is usually always with her unless they both sleep with me. This has been the condition for more than five years. We love the dog and spend a lot of time with her.

My girlfriend went to an acquaintance’s house for a week and left our beagle bitch Lina with me. We had a wonderful time. My children were thrilled; she was, of course, always and everywhere with me and crawled, what can I say, at night, always under my blanket.

After a week, my girlfriend came back and was full of expectations regarding our reunion. This then went quite differently, and she drove again because I could not share her expectation, so, first to her apartment, and we arranged to meet later. In the meantime, I went to a friend who invited me to eat pizza. During the meal, she called me, was annoyed at my not being there, and yelled at me. Two minutes later, the doorbell rang, and she demanded that I bring Lina down. I was, of course, confused inside and followed her instruction. She stood in front of the door and snatched the leash from my hand. I received another brief sad look from our beagle bitch, and they were both gone. Three days later, they both came to me, we ate and talked, and Lina was there too.

The next morning I had conjunctivitis.

Since I am not yet quite sure about the Germanische Heilkunde, I called a good friend, who is always very helpful with the “translation of the symptoms.” We pondered over the phone left-handed…. Children… out of sight….

I said, yes, my son went to his mom’s for a few days, but I’m happier about it, even though it was surprising. We were about to hang up when she still called out to the dog and me. I replied,” Like what, and dog?” She said: “The site is for children and dogs, which also take a “child role.” Then it was clear to me, that the unplanned and ugly departure of Lina surprised me more than I thought.

Conjunctivitis disappeared after three days of healing.

With the knowledge of the conflict, my attitude towards symptomatology changed in depth. I observed how I could meet myself and my eye with completely different attention and a deep smile. This was beautiful.

Best regards from Saxony, Heiko T.

Note by Helmut Pilhar

We can perceive an animal as a child, but also as a partner. Heiko perceives the bitch as a child.

One can always suffer a separation conflict only from something living (human, animal, plant?).

Thanks for the testimonial

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