Headaches, Fever, Swallowing Difficulties – Germanic New Medicine Testimonial

These-Real Life Testimonials were written by people who apply German New Medicine in their daily lives.

My daughter reacted with Headaches, Fever, Swallowing Difficulties to her new braces.

Here’s a small testimonial about what happened to us last week. Did I interpret Germanic New Medicine correctly?

You’re welcome to publish this experience report, but please without names. Thank you 🙂


My daughter (11 years old) got fixed braces last Monday. When we left the practice and stepped into the elevator, she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time, was shocked, and said, “Mom, I look like a monster!” She was quite upset and worried about what her classmates would say the next day at school.
The next day, around noon, I received a text about her from school, saying she wasn’t feeling well and was complaining of headaches. When I picked her up from the train in the afternoon, she was crying from the headache and also had a fever. At home, I laid her on the sofa with a cooling pad on her head, and within two minutes, she fell asleep (which is very unusual for her). The fever rose to 40.5°C (104.9°F) and lasted until early morning.
As always, I let the fever run its course (of course, constantly monitoring her temperature). None of our children have ever taken antibiotics, and only once or twice have they taken paracetamol. At 6 a.m., she woke up, was full of energy, and wanted to go back to school. That day, she still had some swallowing difficulties, but they were rather mild.
If I understood Germanic New Medicine correctly, she experienced a conflict/self-devaluation in the elevator: “What will others think of me?” She couldn’t get rid of this “morsel” (the braces). The next day, it all resolved when her friends barely noticed it and didn’t find it bad at all. Then came the headaches and fever, and the next day, the swallowing difficulties.

Note from GHK Academy

The braces in the mirror were clearly conflictual for the daughter. There was likely also a frontal fear (“What’s coming at me now!?”) involved (headache, migraine). The swallowing difficulties point to a resolved “morsel” conflict. I don’t see a self-devaluation conflict in the testimonial.

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